The marine environment and human wellbeing are intrinsically linked - the ocean regulates weather and climate, it is the most important carbon sink and oxygen producer on our planet and it provides food security to millions of people. The ocean makes Earth habitable.
Oceanológico was created from the desire to improve our understanding of the human-ocean relationship and to foster a connection to the sea in times where many of us no longer feel connected to the natural world. Exploring the marine environment is the foundation to Oceanológico’s objectives, both through scientific research as well as exposure to the local aquatic habitat. Within this framework we also conduct snorkelling and skin diving excursions that are guided by a Marine Ecologist and PADI Dive Professional.
The value of nature experiences, both direct and indirect, is becoming increasingly relevant as our world is urbanising rapidly. Although we undoubtedly depend directly on the natural environment, there is a scientific consensus about the growing disconnect from nature affecting all generations.
Environmental education and meaningful nature experiences form the heart of our mission here at Oceanológico. We aim to foster a connection between people and the environment, which does not only lead to a multitude of physiological and psychological benefits (more about this here), but also promotes ecological literacy, the understanding of the natural systems that make life on earth possible.

Understanding the interconnectedness of natural systems is the basis of conservation and sustainability.
“In the end we will conserve only what we love, we will love only what we understand, and we will understand only what we are taught.” (Baba Dioum, 1968)
The aim of our research projects and snorkelling experiences is to create a deeper understanding of the marine ecosystem and the need for ocean protection.
As an organisation we aim to make exemplary decisions about the way we operate - from environmentally friendly wetsuits, to donating parts of our profits to local conservation organisations, the use of ocean-friendly sunscreen and much more. We are constantly seeking ways to improve our own knowledge and environmental footprint.

The Team
Lisa Schroeter
As a Marine Ecologist (MSc) and PADI Divemaster I am naturally passionate about life in the sea. My curiosity has taken me to some exciting research projects all over the world - from studying barnacles in the UK, to tree-sized seaweeds in Chile and catsharks in South Africa. You can read more about my research here.
I love sharing the wonders of the ocean with others and Oceanológico is a project I have long dreamed of. La Palma is an island that boasts with beauty both above and below the water surface, so it is the perfect place to make it happen. Having also worked in the SCUBA Diving industry on this island for some time I know a few underwater spots like my own backyard and I can't wait to show them to you!

PADI Master Instructor
PADI Member 644899
Rickus Els
Having grown up by the South African coast, I have always felt a connection to the ocean. It all started with the exploration of rock pools when I was young and was soon followed by snorkelling and freediving.
A little bit further down the line I left my career in the construction industry to become a professional SCUBA Diving Instructor. Taking people into the ocean and teaching them how to snorkel and dive safely has been my greatest passion since.